school is life, health is not. it should be the other way around.

Disclaimer: I am a high school student, so I am not certified in the mental health field. If you come across anything that is wrong in my writing, please let me know (respectfully). 

Hi guys,

Three (ish) weeks into school, and it’s like getting hit with a wave of work/studying, no time syndrome, and all-nighters.

I don’t like that. If we don’t take care of ourselves, who will?

You mom? Dad? Friends? Siblings? They can only help for so long.

Taking Health last year opened my eyes to all the wrong things in what we do in our daily lives, and inspired me to actually change my ways, so here are some tips I’ve accumulated since then.

  1. Actually, eat food
vegan yummies (pic creds)

What I mean by this is to eat a meal (even if it is small) and try to keep it as healthy as possible. I’m guilty of making a bowl of Maggi (a sort of different version of ramen) for dinner so I can eat and quickly finish whatever I have to do.

That doesn’t really work in the long run, especially if you have sports.







2.   Sleep is key

Hey, I get it, you have two tests tomorrow, softball practice with a side of homework. There is just no time for sleeping! Well, you can change that.

If you know about a test, or you have a feeling there will be a test soon, study the weekend before. I know that nobody really wants to do it, but by finishing the bulk of the material beforehand, your life will less stressful. I do this, but I still study (just a little though) on the night before the test because I want to make sure I remember everything.

I do this, but I still study (just a little though) on the night before the test because I want to make sure I remember everything. I can go into more detail on how I study for specific tests if that’s something you want to read about. ( Let me know in the comments or like this post!)



man-sleeping-on-desk-500 (pic creds)

3.  Sick = stay home


I get sick very easily so I would like to say I’m somewhat of an expert on when you should actually try to use your brain and when you should just sleep. warning: it may be a little TMI for some

When to stay home:

If your nose is streaming like a river: Getting up ten times in class to blow your nose isn’t really worth it and there is a good chance others may get sick.

If you’re coughing incessantly and everytime you cough, you get a mini headache: Chances are you are actually going to have to take part in some academic activity, so if you have a huge headache that won’t go away, it’s probably not the best choice to stick it out in class.


psychology today (pic creds)

4.  Find a way to release stress


Stress is the one common thing all high schoolers have, whether it’s studying or extracurriculars.

I try to relieve my stress by playing sports and if that doesn’t work, Netflix (just to clear my head).

What will probably happen, with all that stress building up, is either a really bad panic/anxiety attack (don’t take my word for it) or some serious fights (verbal or nonverbal) between people close to you. Remember these are just hypothetical situations that well, may not be in some cases.


and that concludes this post! ☺️


Thanks for reading!

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~ nitya ❤ 🙂

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